Wednesday, March 27


"Tokyo Kitchen emphasize on healthy meal by Japanese style, no oil, less sugar, neutral salt, and more protein in authentic Japanese Restaurant"

Here's my first visit to Setia Walk, Puchong and my first indulgence at Tokyo Kitchen...For you guys who never been to Setia Walk, it is located opposite of Tesco. You can spot it easily from the main road. This is a new place where I spotted some food chain mushrooming there....So what can you expect from their menu? Read about here....  
Believe me, you'll be mesmerized by their design, interior and the decor of TOKYO KITCHEN once you pass by. Kinda impressed by the wishing tag hanging all over the entrance...So TOKYO!!!!hahahahah....
***what kind of description is this....XD

indeed a very welcoming KITCHEN...

Can't help myself to stop by and "keh po" on people's wishes...wutsss~

it says: tokyo kitchen concept

an explanation of the concept of TOKYO KITCHEN.....

so......are you ready for the FOOD?????

Chicken Terriyaki Don

Salmon Terriyaki Don

how cute are these mini balls.... 

ohh...spotted a weird fella in TOKYO KITCHEN!!! 
long looooOOOOooooong salmon sushi~~~~~~

Curry Chicken Katsu Don

assorted sashimi

mango unagi 
 here comes the ONE who extinct million years ago

GIGANTIC fella....hoooh~~~~@@

assorted sushi set
it's a combination of RAW and half RAW salmon with different flavour and toppings...

and here's the coming soon new dish in TOKYO KITCHEN!
*mystery A
(my pick)

*mystery B
(the outer skin tend to be a bit hard compared to A....hahahah or maybe soup dumpling is still my choice)

Dessert Time!
matcha and black sesame scoop

I wish.....
drop your wishes here...

so come and see the DINO in person at TOKYO KITCHEN +SetiaWalk Puchong or sunway giza
there's also a pose with the DINO and win RM100 dining voucher contest running about so check it out...

Checkout more of TOKYO KITCHEN here:

D-05-G Block D, Setia Walk (Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong), Puchong, Selangor 47160, Malaysia

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