Saturday, October 25

Eat Clean【SALAD】

Let's EAT CLEAN!!!

Clean eating is about eating whole foods, or "real" foods — those that are un- or minimally processed, refined, and handled, making them as close to their natural form as possible. 

Here's a simple and fast salad idea for you:
 All you have to do is to gather vegetables with different colours and do the plating according to your taste!

Saturday, October 11

Bangkok Getaway (4days3nights)

Hello everyone! Sorry for the drag of time! Been busy after back from my holidays and yet to find time to blog about this. Here's my simple itinerary and a guideline for you to have a 4 days 3 nights plan in BANGKOK! This is actually a simplify version of my planning on Bangkok Trip as 4 days 3 nights is not enough at all~ There are more places to visit for my future Bangkok Getaway!
I will blog about the details of every part of my visit later when I got much time for it. But in the mean time, this share is good enough for you to have an idea on where to go for your first trip to Bangkok. It's my first time to Bangkok by the way and I will be back Bangkok! Love it!
This is a trip planned for 4 travel mate 

Thursday, October 9

第54届学隆华小华语歌唱决赛 【李婉萁-金梭和银梭】


抵達比賽地點,得知總共有51位參賽者時,我有點想暈的感覺而我相信這個小瓜會比我更緊張。。。所以我也只得收回我的緊張的情緒欣然面對~其實自己有多少斤倆自己心知肚明!一個接一個的伴奏演奏出那超一般水準的琴藝時,我真的很想找洞鉆!結果就這樣熬過了初賽也擠進了15強~我覺得已經是一個extra bonus 给我们了!

Monday, October 6

Pretz n' Beans Cafe, Solaris

" Love Life. Love Coffee. Love Food. "
Yup! It's the tagline for Pretz n' Beans Cafe. 
Chilla Cup presents Pretz & Beanz, it is the latest addition to their family.
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