Tuesday, October 23

Instant Wi-Fi Sharing from my Samsung WB150F

Yeay~~~~Finally!!!!!!!!I received my gift from Samsung Malaysia today...guess I'm the last to receive my Samsung Smart Camera...Also thanks Don for the good news and Yukiko for sending me my gift...Been sick for few days and this will definitely be the best medicine to cheer up my pale days...So surprise with the news of winning a Samsung Smart Camera and million thanks to Samsung Malaysia that I have been selected as one of Samsung's SMART Camera brand evangelist for the Samsung WB150F.

Well, I have not really go into depth of my new toy but one of the feature captured my attention which is the WIFI word...I was like what? Digital Camera can WIFI? In my nut shell, I thought two things in the entire universe can connect to WIFI...one is handphone and the other is laptop. I was totally wrong!hahahahahh...such naive thinking....

Say you just took a gaggle of fun pictures with the WB150F and you want to upload them to Facebook. In order to do that, you have to be within range of a Wi-Fi network for the camera to connect. Once it does, the WB150F will display a login screen for entering a username and password. Once you’re logged in, the camera allows you to check off which pictures and videos you want to upload before clogging up the bandwidth. Emailing an image to someone was the same process.

just some simple steps to share it on facebook...

Sorry yah, not so used to do video...so a bit of "voice-shy"....by the way this video is taken by my Samsung SIII....which I love the video quality much, even in low light condition....=))

1st photo taken with Samsung WB150F and uploaded to Facebook via Samsung Camera

very fast and efficient!!!!
now I can photo update whenever I go....how SMART !!!
Apart from the capabilities in WIFI, Samsung WB150F has other great features as well.....
stay tuned for more of my of picture share...

The Samsung WB150F is also available in black....I am happy with my white colour....

Checkout their page for more contest, updates and best of all, good stuff!!!!
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