yah~quite sumtime i din appear to b here dy
wat a mess wat a mess....my poor dusty lil blog,,,,
even my coursemate ask...
"wui"...u din update ur blog?
too busy....way tooooo beezee~><
even now im muching biscuits while doing my thesis while writing my blog here....
i don understand why degree student need to do a problematic super duper silly thesis?
why we need to create a problem then find PPL for approval[proffesor...researchers..d he dunno u,u dunno him ppl]then get ammend by lecturer but at last considered pass pulak
bla bla blaaaa....forget bout it
i was drunk middle of d nite...

actually i juz bac from a funeral....
many memories flash bac
where i had some previous experience of my grandma's funeral
n something happened which affects my feel towards funeral...
im was patrify.....
truly...i dunno why but d feelin comes naturally!!!
i incharge of d playing juz now~
but d tense came in a sudden n those hymes infront of me appeared to b blank...
u wouldnt believe me....but u'll laugh at me when u see me on d spot!
like i suddenly dunno how to play d songs...
which normally im d pianist for sunday's worship~
gosh....i feel sorrow i feel sad i feel nervous i feel tension!!!
all mixup like iCe kacanG~~~~~~(O.O)o
glad i din messup my playin...
but anyhow....its my 1st time playing at a funeral...
i guess d church organ mood helps in soothing me n also d late's family member...
may GOD comfort her friends and family
.......rest in d arm of GOD in heaven